In the third talk of the ACT@UCR seminar, Jules Hedges spoke about open games!
He gave his talk on Wednesday April 15th. Afterwards we discussed it at the Category Theory Community Server, here:
You can view or join the conversation there if you sign in.
You can see his slides here, or download a video here, or watch the video here:
• April 15, Jules Hedges: Open games: the long road to practical applications.
Abstract. I will talk about open games, and the closely related concepts of lenses/optics and open learners. My goal is to report on the successes and failures of an ongoing effort to try to realise the often-claimed benefits of categories and compositionality in actual practice. I will introduce what little theory is needed along the way. Here are some things I plan to talk about:
— Lenses as an abstraction of the chain rule
— Comb diagrams
— Surprising applications of open games: Bayesian inference, value function iteration
— The state of tool support
— Open games in their natural habitat: microeconomics
— Sociological aspects of working with economics